Christophe de Vienne
2017-05-16 14:30:07 UTC
Hi everyone,
I am attempting to implement the pub/sub NATS ( protocol
on top of the WebSocket API as a TEA component.
I have a hard time finding an API for subscriptions: for each
subscription some context must be kept, a unique subscription ID
generated and in some case a unique reply subject too, and I would like
each subscription to generate custom messages for the component which
made it.
I suspect it would be a lot more natural with an effect module, with
which I could (hopefully) write, in any part of the application:
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Nats.Subscribe model.endpoint "some.subject" MyMessage
or, for req/rep (a pub + a short-living sub expecting a result):
myrequest : Model -> Cmd Msg
myrequest model =
Nats.request model.endpoint "a.request.subject" MyReply
Another difficulty I have is that in some cases I need to send 2 or 3
messages through the websocket, in the right order, but WebSocket.send
returns a Cmd. So I have to concat the 3 commands in 1 message, which
works but oblige
Am I wrong being tempted by using an effect module for this kind of module ?
If so how can I mimick such an API with a TEA approach ?
If not is there any documentation I can read to get familiar with them ?
Is there any existing module that does this kind of thing for another
protocol ?
I am attempting to implement the pub/sub NATS ( protocol
on top of the WebSocket API as a TEA component.
I have a hard time finding an API for subscriptions: for each
subscription some context must be kept, a unique subscription ID
generated and in some case a unique reply subject too, and I would like
each subscription to generate custom messages for the component which
made it.
I suspect it would be a lot more natural with an effect module, with
which I could (hopefully) write, in any part of the application:
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Nats.Subscribe model.endpoint "some.subject" MyMessage
or, for req/rep (a pub + a short-living sub expecting a result):
myrequest : Model -> Cmd Msg
myrequest model =
Nats.request model.endpoint "a.request.subject" MyReply
Another difficulty I have is that in some cases I need to send 2 or 3
messages through the websocket, in the right order, but WebSocket.send
returns a Cmd. So I have to concat the 3 commands in 1 message, which
works but oblige
Am I wrong being tempted by using an effect module for this kind of module ?
If so how can I mimick such an API with a TEA approach ?
If not is there any documentation I can read to get familiar with them ?
Is there any existing module that does this kind of thing for another
protocol ?
Christophe de Vienne
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Christophe de Vienne
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