2017-04-20 09:18:27 UTC
First of all - 6 debouncing libraries! Would be great to see elm-package be
able to surface github stars directly (or some other means of identify the
most-likely-to-be-good library)
My question though is the following. The type signature of a debounce state
is DebounceState Msg. I.e. it needs the message type as thatâs what it is
going to send back later.
But in a large app, I usually have the model in 1 file and import that into
my update/view files and it is in the latter that I define the type Msg.
Iâm quickly going to get a singularity if I try to import my Msgs into my
Iâve never separated out my Msgs before into a separate file but can see
some other benefits. But there will also be costs too.
So I was wondering
- what other experiences people had had with separating out Msgs
- whether there was an alternative to this to handle the issue at hand -
debouncing (all of the examples in the libraries are tiny single file ones
able to surface github stars directly (or some other means of identify the
most-likely-to-be-good library)
My question though is the following. The type signature of a debounce state
is DebounceState Msg. I.e. it needs the message type as thatâs what it is
going to send back later.
But in a large app, I usually have the model in 1 file and import that into
my update/view files and it is in the latter that I define the type Msg.
Iâm quickly going to get a singularity if I try to import my Msgs into my
Iâve never separated out my Msgs before into a separate file but can see
some other benefits. But there will also be costs too.
So I was wondering
- what other experiences people had had with separating out Msgs
- whether there was an alternative to this to handle the issue at hand -
debouncing (all of the examples in the libraries are tiny single file ones
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